Information about the governing bodies
General Assembly of the Academy`s members
The supreme governing body of the Academy is the General Assembly of the Academy members, which is competent to make decisions on all issues of the Academy, its bodies and officials.
The General Assembly is convened by the Presidium of the Academy as required, at least once a year.
The General Assembly is competent if more than half of the Academy members take part in it.
Decisions on the matters of exclusive competence of the General Assembly are made by the qualified majority vote (not less than two-thirds) of the Academy members who are present at General Assembly, if there is a quorum. Decisions on the questions not related to the exclusive competence of the General Assembly are taken by the plain majority of votes of the present Academy members.
The Presidium of the Academy is a collegial permanently functioning body. It is accountable to the General Assembly of the Academy. The members of the Presidium are elected by secret ballot at the General Assembly from among the Academy members and in number determined by the General Assembly for a term of five years.
The Presidium of the Academy is headed by the chairman elected among its members by secret ballot of the Presidium members for term of office of the Presidium.
The President of the Academy is the sole executive body of the Academy. He/she is elected by secret ballot from among the members of the Academy at the General Assembly for a term of five years.
The competence of the President of the Academy:
- Performs current management, acts on behalf of the Academy without a power of attorney, manages financial assets, property and money within his jurisdiction, which is set by the existing statute and decisions of the General Assembly of Academy members;
- Concludes civil and employment agreements (contracts), gives powers of attorney on behalf of the Academy; issues orders and directives to the Academy;
- He is responsible for the implementation of the statutory, financial and economic activities of the Academy;
- Approves the accounting policy of the Academy, its structure, staff schedule and salary fund of the officials, affixes first signature on financial banking and others documents, reports and certificates of financial and charter activities;
- Appoints his deputies, heads of the Academy branches and representatives and exercises direct control over the activities of the structural units of the Academy;
- Presents the Academy in relations with state and non-state enterprises, scientific and public organizations on the statutory goals and statutory activities;
- He is accountable to the General Assembly of the Academy members and is responsible to it, presides over the General Assembly of the Academy members;
- He is a member of the Presidium of the Academy ex officio;
- Decides the other issues and accomplishes authorities, which are not related to exceptional competence of the General Assembly and the competence of the Presidium of the the legislation and the active statute of the Academy.

Maslov Leonid Ivanovich is the President of Public Academy of Natural Sciences and Humanities, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, doctor of engineering, professor and the Director of Health-saving technologies research institute.
- «Star of the Fatherland»;
- Medal of Honor «For valiant labour»;
- Medal of Honor «For the innovations and development».